Explanation of due diligence
Kymar Group, with its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as Kymar Group), complies with the Act on Business Transparency and Work with Fundamental Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions (Transparency Act). All companies are committed to respecting fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in our policies.
Kymar AS and Kymar Group AS were for the first time categorized as larger companies (cf. the Accounting Act §1-5) on the balance sheet date 31.12.2022. All companies comply with Norwegian legislation on health, safety and the environment and on equality and non-discrimination. All Kymar Group representatives are obliged to follow our ethical guidelines. We also expect all our suppliers and business partners to have ethical standards that comply with our Code of Conduct and applicable laws.
Kymar Group is a nationwide total supplier and service partner within electrical, automation and electromechanical rotating equipment.The Group sells products and provides services to customers in the land-based industry, oil and gas, shipping and marine sectors.
The responsibility of all companies in complying with the law on corporate transparency and work with basic human rights and decent working conditions is anchored in the board, management and the general managers of the subsidiaries. The owner and approver of the guidelines is the Board of Kymar Group. The Group's CFO is the functional owner and is responsible for the maintenance, communication and follow-up of the guidelines together with the QA&HMS manager.
Due diligence
All Kymar Group companies operate in Norway, which is defined as a country with a generally low risk of negative human rights impacts related to business activities. However, we are aware of and monitor the potential negative impacts from our operations and in our supply chain.
Our process
The Group conducts due diligence in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. This is a continuous process that identifies, prevents and accounts for negative impacts on human rights and decent work associated with the production of goods and provision of services in all departments of Kymar Group, associated suppliers and the rest of the supply chain.
Kymar Group conducts due diligence individually for each of the three operating companies. A separate model is used with a risk-based approach that is based on the suppliers' products and services, the country in which they operate and the volume of purchases made by our companies. The purpose of this model is to uncover possible negative consequences related to human rights and decent working conditions.
The Group has set a strategy for the following measures to stop, prevent and limit negative consequences. To date, no actual negative consequences have been identified.
Notification of violation or suspicion
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